Kentech is collaborating with the Photonics Group at Imperial College who are using FLIM for Biophotonics imaging experiments see the publications list below.
By using a Kentech High Rate Imager (HRI) the group is able to produce near real time FLIM image maps with around 20ps time resolution. It is hoped that improved equipment timing will be able to extend the time resolution.
Kentech has also worked with LA Vision in Germany on Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Systems
Optical imaging in the visible/near infrared spectral region has previously been investigated as an alternative to traditional medical diagnostic techniques. However, optical imaging is limited by the high scattering cross section of biological tissue, which affects the ability to detect variations in the optical properties of the tissue under investigation. To increase the contrast between tissue types one may use fluorescent marker dyes (fluorophores). These can be designed so they are selectively absorbed in the specific area of tissue under investigation. In medical diagnostic techniques the presence of a particular tissue type (e.g. cancerous tissue) can be established by detecting the emission-wavelength signature, of the fluorophore (which will not be present if the tissue of interest is not present). This spectroscopic technique can be combined with optical imaging techniques to produce a "map" of the localisation of the fluorophore and hence a map of the tissue under investigation. However, traditional fluorescence imaging techniques, which rely on quantitative intensity measurements, become increasingly difficult when imaging into greater tissue depths, due to scattering. An alternative method is fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) where the lifetime of the fluorescence signal, rather than its intensity, is measured. Fluorescence lifetime is a signature of a fluorophore which is only weakly affected by the increase in photon propagation times due to scattering in tissue, making it possible for measurements to be made through greater tissue depths.
In biochemical applications of fluorescence imaging the effect of environment on the process of fluorescence is used to map chemical or physical changes within a sample. The quantum efficiency of fluorescence is a function of the radiative and non-radiative decay rates. The radiative decay rate is considered constant for a given fluorophore, while the non-radiative decay rate can vary with environment. Unfortunately the quantum efficiency is not easy to determine as it is difficult to measure the exact quantity of fluorophore in a particular region, and to quantify how much pump-light is absorbed. However, fluorescence lifetime is also a function of fluorophore environment.1 Since determination of fluorescence lifetime requires only relative intensity measurements, knowledge of the fluorophore concentration or excitation flux in the sample is no longer required. Thus imaging using fluorescence lifetimes may provide functional data about a tissue, sample under investigation. Fluorescence Lifetime probes already exist for the measurement of e.g. Ca2+ concentration, oxygen concentration and pH. Non-biomedical applications also exist for FLIM, such as determination of impurities in metal samples for nuclear process control,2 and in combustion related studies.3
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Issue Date: 26-28 March 2010, page(s): 1 –2Numerical Correction of Detector Channel Cross-Talk Using Full-SpectrumFluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Carol A. Roach and Sharon L. Neal
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Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, Volume 636, Issue 6, pages 1115–1123, May 2010Optical system based on time-gated, intensified charge-coupled device camera for brain imaging studies
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Andreas Oelsner, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Daniela Bayer, Gerd Schönhense& Martin Aeschlimann
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volumes 178-179, May 2010, Pages 317-330Kinetics of Exciton Emission Patterns and Carrier Transport
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20th ESCAMPIG, 13-17 July 2010, Novi Sad, SerbiaMechanism of ultra-fast heating in a non-equilibrium weakly ionized air discharge plasma in high electric fields
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2010 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 124016Janus Nanomembranes: A Generic Platform for Chemistry in Two Dimensions
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Angewandte Chemie Intl Ed. 2010, 49(45), Pages: 8493–8497Bimodal ultrasound and fluorescence approach for prostate cancer diagnosis
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J. Biomed. Opt. 14(6), 064001 (2009)Optical detection in microfluidics: From the small to the large
deMello, A.J.; French, P.M.W.; Neil, M.A.A.; Edel, J.B.; Benninger, R.K.P.; Bradley, D.D.C.; Robinson, T.; Srisa-art, M.; Hofmann, O.; deMello, J.C.
Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, 2009. TRANSDUCERS 2009. International
2009, Page(s): 712 –717Signal-to-noise characterization of time-gated intensifiers used for wide-field time-domain FLIM
J McGinty, J Requejo-Isidro, I Munro, C B Talbot, P A Kellett, J D Hares, C Dunsby, M A A Neil and P M W French
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James McGinty, Vadim Y. Soloviev, Khadija B. Tahir, Romain Laine, Daniel W. Stuckey, Joseph V. Hajnal, AlessandroSardini, Paul M. W. French, and Simon R. Arridge
Optics Letters, Vol. 34, Issue 18, pp. 2772-2774 (2009)Advances in bi-modal optical and ultrasound detection of prostate cancer diagnosis
Jerome Boutet ; Laurent Guyon ; Mathieu Debourdeau ; Jean-Marc Dinten ; Didier Vray ; Philippe Rizo
Proc. SPIE 7171, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IV, 71710E (February 20, 2009);Time-gated optical imaging to detect positive prostate cancer margins
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Pierre Blandin, Sandrine Lévêque-Fort, Sandrine Lécart, Jack C. Cossec, Marie-Claude Potier, Zsolt Lenkei, Frédéric Druon, and Patrick Georges
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James McGinty, Christopher Dunsby, Egidijus Auksorius, Richard K.P. Benninger, Pieter De Beule, Daniel S. Elson, Neil Galletly, David Grant, Oliver Hofmann, Gordon Kennedy, Sunil Kumar, Peter M.P. Lanigan, Hugh Manning, Ian Munro, Björn Önfelt, Dylan Owen, Jose Requejo-Isidro, Klaus Suhling, Clifford B. Talbot, P. Soutter, M. John Lever, Andrew J. deMello, Gordon S. Stamp, Mark A.A. Neil, Paul M.W. French
Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 33, 2009, Pages 133–169Live Cell Linear Dichroism Imaging Reveals Extensive Membrane Ruffling within the Docking Structure of Natural Killer Cell Immune Synapses
Richard K.P. Benninger, Bruno Vanherberghen, Stephen Young, Sabrina B. Taner, Fiona J. Culley, Tim Schnyder, Mark A.A. Neil, Daniel Wüstner, Paul M.W. French, Daniel M. Davis, Björn Önfelt
Biophysical J. Volume 96, Issue 2, 21 January 2009, Pages L13–L15Instrumentation for simultaneous magnetic resonance and optical tomographic imaging of the rodent brain
James M. Masciotti ; Jonghwan Lee ; Mark Stewart ; Andreas H. Hielscher
Proc. SPIE 7171, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IV, 71710Q (February 20, 2009);Effect of time gating and polarization discrimination of propagating light in turbid media during angular domain imaging (ADI)
Fartash Vasefi ; Eldon Ng ; Bozena Kaminska ; Glenn H. Chapman ; Jeffrey J. L. Carson
Proc. SPIE 7182, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules,Cells, and Tissues VII, 718217 (2009)mhFLIM: Resolution of heterogeneous fluorescence decays in widefield lifetime microscopy
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Biophysical Journal, 2009, 97(8), 2368-2376Bimodal ultrasound and fluorescence approach for prostate cancer diagnosis
Jerome Boutet; Lionel Herve; Mathieu Debourdeau; Laurent Guyon; Philippe Peltie; Jean-Marc Dinten; Laurent Saroul; Francois Duboeuf; Didier Vray
J. Biomed. Opt. 14(6), 064001 (2009)Optical detection in microfluidics: From the small to the large
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J McGinty, J Requejo-Isidro, I Munro, C B Talbot, P A Kellett, J D Hares, C Dunsby, M A A Neil and P M W French
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David J. Hall, Ulas Sunar and Salman Farshchi-Heydari
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Clifford Talbot, JamesMcGinty, Ewan McGhee, David Grant, Sunil Kumar, Gordon Kennedy, Ian Munro, Patrick Courtney, W. Zhang, Tom Bunney, Tony Magee, Dan Davis, Matilda Katan, Chris Dunsby, Mark Neil, and Paul French
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Tom Robinson, Prashant Valluri, Hugh B. Manning, Dylan M. Owen, Ian Munro, Clifford B. Talbot, ChristopherDunsby, John F. Eccleston, Geoff S. Baldwin, Mark A. A. Neil, Andrew J. de Mello, and Paul M. W. French
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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2008), 41 094012FRET Detection in the Plasma Membrane Using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
Pierre Blandin, Sandrine Lévêque-Fort, Sandrine Lecart, Frederic Druon, Patrick Georges, Jack C. Cossec, Marie-Claude Potier, and Zsolt Lenkei
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David M. Grant, Wei Zhang, Ewan J. McGhee, Tom D. Bunney, Clifford B. Talbot, Sunil Kumar, Ian Munro, Christopher Dunsby, Mark A.A. Neil, Matilda Katan, Paul M.W. French
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