
Pulse-dilation enhanced gated optical imager with 5 ps resolution (invited).
T. J. Hilsabeck, J. D. Hares, J. D. Kilkenny, P. M. Bell, A. K. L. Dymoke-Bradshaw, J. A. Koch, P. M. Celliers, D. K. Bradley, T. McCarville, M. Pivovaroff, R. Soufli, and R. Bionta
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 10E317 (2010)

High resolution time-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging for biomedical applications.
K. Dowling, M.J. Dayel, S.C.W. Hyde, P.M.W. French, M.J. Lever, J.D. Hares and A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw.
Journal of Modern Optics, 1999, Vol. 46, No. 2, 199-209

Information on this work is available at the Femtosecond Optics Group, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
click here    [OFF SITE LINK]

Fluorescence lifetime imaging with picosecond resolution for biomedical applications
K. Dowling, M.J. Dayel, M.J. Lever, P.M.W. French, J.D. Hares and
A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw.
Optics Letters / Vol. 23, No. 10 / M ay 15, 1998 / pages 810 - 812

Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging using a 5 k\Hz/110 ps Gated Image Intensifier
K. Dowling, S. C. W. Hyde, N. P. Barry, J. C. Dainty and P. M. W. French, A. J. Hughes and M. J. Lever, A. K. L. Dymoke-Bradshaw, J.D. Hares and
P. A. Kellett   [pdf 38k bytes]

The impact of high-voltage pulse technology on high-speed photography
A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw [pdf 234k bytes]

Optical multi-frame system with one gated intensifier as a diagnostic for high-speed photography
A Lorenz, A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw and A.E. Dangor.
Meas. Sci. Technol. 8 (1997) 676-678.

Development and characterisation of a pair of 30-40 ps x-ray framing cameras
D.K. Bradley, P.M. Bell, O.L. Landen, J. D. Kilkenny,, J. Oertel
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66 (1) January 1995

Direct observations of filamentation and self-focusing in a large underdense plasma
S.E. Coe, T. Afshar-Rad and O. Willi
Optics Communications 73, No. 4 15th. October 1989

Laser Pulse Chopping of a 1.053µm Laser beam
A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw, P.A. Kellett, C.N. Danson and D.A. Pepler

Laser Pulse Too Long
A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw   [pdf 284k bytes]

Self-matched high-voltage rectangular wave pulse generator
M. Ishii and H. Yamada
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56 (11) November 1985 Page 2116

1000-V,300-ps pulse-generation circuit using silicon avalanche devices
D.M. Benzel, and M.D. Pocha
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56 (7) July 1985 page 1456

I.V. Grekhov was the first to report ultra fast breakdown in a silicon junction and explained it in terms of ionisation waves

I.V. Grekhov et al., Electron. Lett. 17 422, (1981)  and
I.V. Grekhov et al., Prib. Tekh. Eksp. 4, 135 (1981)

Shock velocity measurements using a fibre-optic reflectometer system
G. McCall, T.A. Hall, A.K.L. Dymoke-Bradshaw, A.E. Dangor and Z. Ahmed.