PRF Up to 50kHz
Amplitude Up to 950V, 100Ω
reverse terminated
Load Capacitive load only, C ~20pF coupled with 1.2 metre 100Ω cable
Inputs (Front panel)
Delay input BNC TTL - Trigger to delay generator
Trigger input x 2 BNC TTL - Trigger to HV switch channels
Outputs (Front panel)
Rate BNC TTL - Internally generated rate signal
Rate (opposite phase) BNC TTL - As above, inverted
Direct BNC TTL - Zero delay reference trigger output
Delayed BNC TTL - Trigger output, delayed WRT above
Inputs (Rear panel)
Power IEC 220-240V ac supply
External bias x 2 BNC 0 to +/-950V
Outputs (Rear panel)
Output x 2 SHV Up to 950V
Front panel controls and indicators
Power Toggle Power On/Off
Power indication LED Illuminated when unit is powered|
Trigger phase x 2 Toggle 0° or 180° phase
Trigger mode x 2 Toggle Force HV output high, force low or trigger
Rate Rotary 100Hz to 50kHz internal rate control
Amplitude 10 turn rotary Sets output amplitude, (200 to 950Volts)
Delay (fine) 1 turn rotary ~60ns continuous delay adjustment
Delay (coarse) Rotary 50ns delay steps
* Switching the bias links
Before removing any cover the unit must be switched off and
the power lead removed. The two PCB links may be found by removing
the top cover. The small red link plugs are situated close to
the point where the SHV output connectors on the rear panel are
connected back onto the pulse output board. (These SHV connectors
are linked back to the PCB by semi-rigid cables ending in BNC
circuit board connectors and the links are close to these two
circuit board BNC connectors.) The small red links should removed,
rotated by 90° and replaced for external bias operation.
The orientation of the links for DC coupling (no external
bias) is front-back. The orientation for AC coupling with external
bias is left-right.
The maximum external bias input is +/-1000V.