Conventional X-ray Streak cameras
The Kentech Re-entrant X-Ray Streak Camera has been designed
for versatile and reliable use in the research environment. The
innovative aspects of the camera are the remote sweep electronics
and the robust mechanical design. The main camera body is housed
in a re-entrant vessel which is only 145mm (approximately 5.8
inches) in diameter and which protrudes approximately 250mm into
the vacuum chamber. The cathode is easily changed by withdrawing
the camera from the re-entrant housing. This may be done without
disturbing any critical diagnostic alignment.
There are three versions of the camera, a high (2.0) magnification,
a low (1.2) magnification version and a high time resolution
version. The cameras use different electrostatic lenses and have
different cathode sizes but are completely interchangeable mechanically.
The sweep electronics of the two slower cameras is the same.
Also the faster camera is based upon the Low magnification camera
but has the deflection plate assembly modified and has a much
faster ramp generator. The sweep electronics are remote from
the camera body and are connected to the streak tube by 50Ω cables. This has allowed the
mechanics to be made very compact. The circuitry is completely
solid state. An alternative sweep circuit with much slower rates
is also available for the two slower cameras.
The high voltage focusing supply has three connectors and
has an overload detector which detects a breakdown condition
in the electron-optics. The camera is designed to be user adaptable
and the mechanics are easily demounted. No glass is used in the
camera body, with the exception of the fibre optic window.
The camera would normally be used with an image intensifier.
Kentech can supply an intensifier based on a 40mm wafer tube.
Several variations are available on the two slower basic
cameras. One version of the camera offers extremely short trigger
delay which would be used for the recording of events from which
an early trigger signal is not available. We can also make versions
which use microchannel plates as cathodes for increased sensitivity
at the cost of temporal response. Cameras with reflection cathodes
can be made. CCD readout systems are available to fit these cameras.
Please ask for further details if any of these are of interest.
We are happy to consider other special requirements.

Low Mag. x-ray Streak camera with intensifier and video readout