
Intensifier Gating Module

The gating unit is a small module for gating second generation image intensifiers from DC to 5ns

IIHVS Intensifier High Voltage Bias Module
A separate power supply module is also available for biasing the cathode, MCP and phosphor.
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PC5NS Photocathode Gate Module

The PC5NS gate module is intended to gate a gen 2, wafer MCP tube in response to a TTL command signal. It has a minimum pulse width of <5ns and when used with an 18mm intensifier can produce an optical gate of less than 5ns. It is DC coupled so the intensifier gate pulse is slaved to the TTL input. TTL high = off, TTL low = on. The module has an internal HV power supply and requires only a 12V input plus a trigger signal. (The module does not provide the MCP and phosphor voltages although we are able to provide a separate unit for this purpose.) The photocathode reverse bias voltage is provided. The gate pulse output is provided via a 50Ω connector (SMB). For minimum gate width the length of 50Ω cable will be kept to a minimum however a length of up to 1 metre of 50Ω cable may be used. (In this case a small terminating network will be required at the tube to minimise signal reflections - details provided.) Specification

 Minimum gate width  <5ns
 Maximum gate width   DC
 Maximum PRF  5kHz (10kHz at slightly reduced amplitude)
 Trigger  TTL, 2k2, active low
 Typical trigger delay  25ns
 Jitter  <200ps
 Gate pulse  -200V typical
 Reverse bias  +30V typical
 Power supply  12V at 200mA typical
 Connection to tube  50Ω, 5cm to 100cm in length
 (100cm requires small passive terminating network)
 MCP input is grounded  
 Physical   30x64x114 (30x64x127 with flanges) mm-3
 The optical gate will track the TTL input within the following constraints:
 Minimum on time  5ns (18mm)
 Minimum off time  10µs
 Maximum average PRF 5kHz
 If the duty cycle is <25% the PRF may be 10kHz for up to 10mins.
 (At a PRF above 5kHz the bias and pulse amplitude will change slightly)

IIHVS Intensifier High Voltage Bias Module
The Kentech Instruments IIHVS intensifier high voltage bias module is a stand alone gen 2 wafer intensifier supply. It provides phosphor, MCP and photocathode bias voltages and may be used together with our PC5NS gate module to provide a complete gated intensifier electronics package. It features a slow photocathode gate circuit (~1ms response) with a TTL input so if fast gating is not required the IIHVS is all that is required to power the intensifier tube. It has an internal high voltage power supply and requires only a 12V supply to operate. The MCP (gain) voltage is controlled by a 0 - 3V control input or a potentiometer may be used to control the gain without the addition of any other components. It features ultra low ripple for use with high resolution readout systems. It has a TTL disable input.


 Phosphor 5.8kV (nominal) regulated
 MCP 0 - 950V in response to 0 - 3V control input
 PC +50 (off), -180 (on) in response to TTL
 PC risetime 1ms typical
 Power supply 12V at <100mA
 Connection to tube Flying leads
 Physical 30 x 64 x 114 (30 x 64 x 127 with flanges) mm-3